Tuesday, November 21, 2006

a boring week and another boring recap of the week

There hasn't been much to talk about. Yea the Wii came out, and my grandpa almost had surgery, but there wasn't anything that's happened that's worth writing down. I think I need a clearer purpose in having this blog other than to tell everyone who bothers to read this what I do with my life on an almost weekly basis.

It's finally getting colder. The air felt cold enough to remind me of the skiing vacations I go on every year. I'm looking forward to them. I miss the snow too. We better get a couple snow days this year to make up for the last one.

The school week was what passes for normal. So far as I can remember, there was nothing out of the ordinary. CC got a picture of me napping in spanish class. I was the only male in my AP class for one day. And since I can't remember anything else, that's why this week was so boring.

I got to play the Wii for a bit at Pat's house. He kicked my ass in boxing and bowling, but I got 1 game to his two in tennis. He'll probably be even better next time I play him since he's probably been playing it every chance he gets. I really want to get one now.

Alright, that's all I'm going to say for now. Hopefully my next post will have something in it besides a recap of the week.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Floating in the summer sky, 99 red balloons go by...

It's been a good week. I only had three days of school, got to hang out with my friends, and get to level 58 in World of Warcraft. I didn't have any AP social studies homework this week, but we still got a homework sheet for the week. I think I'll put that up in my locker.

Thursday I got together with Pat and John. Got to go to the mall see the Wii, watch Man of the Year and generally have a good time. We're a pretty good group of friends. Pat had told me once that us three together could have a good time anywhere. I have to agree with him on that. It's nice to have a group like that. They're kinda like the people you may lose track of for a couple of years and then suddenly find each other again and say "Wow, man, look at you!" then from that to "Remember that time when..." and we would probably all chuckle/crack up over such sweet memories. I can only hope that I never lose track of friends like them.

Friday I went to the mall with Mike to see Borat. It was alright, kinda perverted at this one part, but I promised Pat not to ruin it for him. Friday was also my sister's birthday. She's twelve now, funny, a couple of weeks ago I didn't have a clue whether she was turning 11 or 12. Looks like we all do grow up fast. Going to the mall with Mike was pretty much an excuse to get out of the house and avoid the 10+ screaming girls running around the house and backyard. I bought a book, my first book in a while, Ghosts of Onyx. It's based on the video game, Halo. And yes, I'm a scifi nerd, but I prefer to be considered an avid fan of the series. The only extremely bad thing we did was go back between Game Stop and Babbages to double-double check with the people at the desk that the Wii was not working and that you didn't just turn off the screen to keep little kids from swarming the area, which is actually what the assholes did at Game Stop.

Saturday I met up with Pat, CC, Jess and Jess's little sister, Ali (or Alli, not sure), at Ralph's. Just as a side-note, I did not pay for an entire pie this time. In fact, Pat felt bad about me wasting 15 bucks last week and payed for my one slice and water. So we sat, ate and then went to the playground across the street and played "Lava Monsters." It was really fun climbing around the people being lava monsters bay balancing on the edge of the playground. I'd always get caught by whoever was waiting on this ladder on the side and it'd scare the crap outta me. So we were there for around an hour, before Jess's parents picked her and Ali/Alli up and CC, Pat and I went to Slouvaki's, ate some fries, chased after some guy named Lucas, who I know from the waiter in A La Carte, and that guy on the varsity soccer team. The rest was pretty much nothing, I went home to find my cousin was sleeping over.

Today, I've done just about nothing, went to church, did some homework, found out that my grandpa had been in the hospital with a slight heart problem, and pretty just be tired and not that active. I have to say that this has been a good week for me. I'm even realizing that I'm enjoying hanging out with my friends more than playing video games or reading. Hope the next time we all get together is sooner than later.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sing Us A Song, Piano Man

I never got that referal. I assume now that the sub was just bluffing or something. I'm quite happy about it. Anyway the next two days afterwards had been pretty normal. Saturday sophia and I had to work for two long hours on our spanish project in the library. We got most of it done I think. I still feel like it's missing something. Anyways after that we walked to pat's house. Pat had been 'entertaining' john playing one of his zelda games for quite some time. All we really did was watch him play for like another 2 hours, which was more boring than doing the spanish project. John was changing songs every 30 seconds on his ipod which can be really annoying. I like listening to entire songs. Entire songs and entire albums. It's just the way I am. Anyway, one of the highlights of being friends with pat is his willingness to hook you up with any music you want off his 11000 song library. Now I got a topped off ipod with bands I haven't even heard of. I've got some listening to do.

Shortly after we left to get pizza and see A La Carte, almost leaving without john in the process. I had stupidly volunteered myself to buy the pizza and garlic knots without first asking what everyone was going to eat. I pretty much wasted 14.25 on a large 8 slice pie and a tin of 6 garlic knots. Pat had decided to order something separately and john and already eaten. It was up to my and sophia then to eat the pie. Sadly, I only had like 2 slices and sophia must've had another 2 because there was four left. Not too bad I guess. I still felt like an idiot for buying that big of a pie. I hate making myself look like an idiot. Ah yes, how could I forget? Pat learned how to play part of 'piano man' on a harmonica I didn't even know he had. So here we were standing outside with pat playing the same thing over and over again, sophia shivering pathetically, john listening to his ipod, and I was just standing. Fortunately, pat stops playing, unfortunately he starts getting really cold and finds, of course, me, to hug and keep him warm. I couldn't really move and the few people passing by were staring at us. Sophia also was hugging pat so it was even weirder. John got to just gawk at us and pretend that he wasn't with us. So my mom picks us up, we try to work out how to get the middle seatbelt to work, drive to school (which we can never seem to get away from), listen to pat's annoying-as-hell harmonica playing, swap our tickets to get in the front row, and just sit around and wait for the show.

A La Carte was really good. It was odd seeing people you know up there, like cc, austin, stephen/steven, and kris up there acting. It was like there they are, but that's not really them, I think. I can't really discribe it that well. The show was pretty funny, I can't quite remember specifics at the moment, but the last part was cc's brother and the other person that I can't rememer her name was really funny with the bell that would restart everything. I would recommend anyone who read this before the, I think 3:00, show to go and see it today. After the show we got to go around the side to see all the actors and tell them how good of a job they did and I ended up running into some girl, Lilibeth or something, whom I haven't seen in quite some time. The last time I had seen her, she was taller and lacked the lip piercings, at this portledge camp we went to. It's a small world after all I guess.

I got some listening to do now, I think I'm listening to Angels and Airwaves right now. Oh shit, and I still got homework. At least I got the whole day ahead of me.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Have a Belated Happy Halloween

The past two days have been pretty good. I had gotten to dress up (awfully) as a jedi, eat a ton of candy, hang out with my friends, see patrick at school, and supposedly got a referal.

The trick-or-treating was fun. And yes, I dressed as a jedi. I figured it'd be nice to relive the good 'ol star wars nerd days. According to nick, I never got out of that. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Though, I wasn't as poorly dressed up as mike. A monkey and a ski cap, a halloween costume they do not make. Anyway, we got to go down to the creek where you could look out onto the water. You could see the bridge, the boats, some houses, and a couple of other unidentifiable lights onshore. The light shimmered over the water and had this really nice, almost calming effect. I sat there staring out for a while eating some popcorn I had gotten from somebody's house. Now I almost wish I could see it again. Oh well.

Today pat came to school. I had seen him the day before, so it wasn't that much of a big deal. It was just like old times for the most part. It would be pat, john and I in almost all our classes together, except that high school doesn't put the same kids together all the time like middle school. I miss middle school, yet this year has been quite good so far. So anyway, I kick off the day by getting a referal from the old, big-earred substitute for throwing a sandwhich, a roast beef sandwhich to be exact. I think it was cc who had pulled out her sandwhich and mike or nick or someone started to throw it around. I get hit in the head by it and, naturally, want to retailiate. Mike was the one I saw laughing the hardest so I give it a throw towards him. The thing is, I suck at throwing. Not only does it completely miss him, but it sails across the room. At this point Mr. Big-Ears is out of his seat telling me to get out of my seat, pick up the sandwhich and that I was going to get a referal. At the time, it was the funniest thing ever. I don't think too many kids get detention for roast beef sandwhich across the room too often, but it certainly just had to be me. So the day progressed and I got over the hilarity of it and started to feel like a real dumbass. So I go after school to check into the office for my referal, tell the people at the desk, and well what do you know? The old geezer forgot or was bluffing about the referal. The secretaries figured that the guy had forgotten, but I prefer to be a little bit more hopeful.

Time to go. I got english, spanish and science tests to study for tomorrow.