Friday, December 15, 2006

I Don't Know Where We Went Wrong, All I Know Now Is I Gotta Do Something Right

Evening everyone. It's about 11:55, I'd love to go to bed right now, but stupid norton antivirus decided this would be a good time for a system scan. I figured, what the hell, while I'm up, I'll write something here.

I have to say, I don't really like my blog. I don't know exactly why. I never liked keeping a journal either. It is sometimes good to put thoughts on paper, but there comes a pomt where you start to feel like you're obligated to update your blogs. I don't want that to happen. And I think I've said this before.

I had an alright day I guess. It was long, I did want to fall asleep. I did see CC throw a hot dog at Matt. The movie we saw in science was kinda funny. It was about global warming and stuff like that. The general message of that entire movie was as follows: "Your generation is fucked. Enjoy sweating in Antartica and being able to grow corn in Russia." I hate it when news and movies predict the apocalypse. Humans are always going to be the bad guys, except, of course, those who warned us. We learned how to say asshole in spanish today! Ah! (Eres culo)

I need a god damn hobby. Just yesterday I hit level 60 in World of Warcraft. Turns out I have no life and it is indeed possible to be addicted to a video game. All I need now is the epic gear all the 60's get to wear. You see? I'm addicted.

I listened to this song couple of days ago too. It was really good. Hit some deep feelings in me. Then not two days later, I come to loathe that fucking song and everything that it reminds me of. As usual, it's my stupidity.

We decorated the Christmas tree today. Me and my sister, being nice to each other and having fun. I think it was that moment that greatly cheered up my day. Before that I was "Today sucked, but oh well." During and afterwards: "Today sucked, but this ain't so bad."

Tomorrow they'll be indoor soccer, which I don't even know if I like anymore.

Stupid Norton still hasn't finished and it's 12:23. The hacksaw in my computer is sounding worse. Yesterday it was one or two days ago it was something similar to a chainsaw. I better get it checked out.

Alright here I am 12:25 Norton has just finished and has found that there was nothing wrong with my computer. Apparently, the filter is not set to detect saws. Good night, I know I will. I hope. As usual.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A costume can be quite comfortable, it can make you feel more beautiful, it can even make you look like someone else

Well after blowing off a layer of dust off my blog, I thought 'what the hell' and here I am writing again. I suppose I just wanted to not feel obligated to write in this once a week. I wanted to prove it to myself. I've done some thinking about what to write about. A couple ideas, none of them seem too great. I'm considering writing a story in here one day. That won't be too bad. I'll give one of those other ideas shot right now.

I've wondered about how I'm going to be remembered. How I will remember other people. I want to really do something with my life, not just live it, but really experience something 'far out.' I sit at my desk just about everyday wasting my life away trying to level up a computer character to the glorifying level of 60. Meanwhile, I could be talking my friends, hanging out with my family (maybe not that), or, gasp, hanging around in my backyard. I practically never go in my backyard. There's a deck, some grass, this clubhouse that I can't fit in anymore, more grass, and a retaining wall. The last time I remember being in my backyard was to burry my guinea pig, Fluffy in September. My sister had the whole funeral service planned out, including the final opening of the casket.

Now about remembering others. My ability to remember other people is pretty much based on my opinion of them. For the most part, I don't have an opinion many people. Of course, I end up with an opinion of my friends. Most of the time I keep them in high respects. After all, from 3-5 grade I didn't have any friends. I was pretty much a social pariah. A role I eagerly accepted during those years to get away from everyone. Oh, and just as a side note, I forgive whoever the hell that was in 3rd grade and only slightly forgive those bastards at St. Doms. It's for the best I think to leave all that behind me now. I feel that I'm not quite the same person anymore, I hardly even look the same.

Here's how my terrible conclusion is going to go: A lot has changed...and so has the time! It was nice to write about something else besides a recap. I think it's worth it to spread out entries just to talk about things like this. So until next time, readers.