Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's that time again folks...

I guess it's time for another post. So far so good as to keeping this blog updated.

Spirit Week's over at the school. It was quite fun. The attempt to be emo on change your image day wasn't too bad, except I forgot to gel the curls in my hair on the sides and back. I dug up a cowboy/Indian Jones hat out from the mess in my dad's truck for Wild West Day. For wear green day, I wore my soccer uniform (which turns out we didn't have to wear) and a green sweater. I had to play trumpet in the pep rally yesterday. Had to play today at the homecoming pregame too. It wasn't that great. Both events were pretty much the same. The band played, then came the cheerleaders, then the kickline, then more of the band. The one big highlight of the pregame thing was the free food/drink outside. I had 2 hot dogs, half a coke, a bottle of water, and finished off nick's popcorn.

To no one's great surprise, we lost our soccer game Wednesday. Somewhere around 6-0. It's funny, they had put their terrible players out in the first half and we thought we were actually doing good. Then comes the second half and all their people who were probably raised by a soccer ball came in. Next thing I knew it was 6-0 and we didn't have a prayer of coming back. That being our last game, we ended the season with 2 wins, 2 ties, and x amount of losses.

I've run out of things to say. Next week's going to be hecktic. Quarterlies and other tests up the wazoo. Speaking of which, I gotta spot writing and get to some homework.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

First Post (Again)

Wow. This is really screwed up. I had only posted one thing so far and wham! It gets deleted. Not just the post. The entire blog. Some problem with blogspot yesterday. Well I'm not even going to bother trying to remember all that stuff I wrote the first time. It was something about adjusting to high school. And another paragraph about a confirmation party I went to last saturday.

By the way. Happy Spirit Week, to all those who care. I know I don't. I'm going to attempt to dress as an emo kid tomorrow. I got the black t-shirt, borrowed sister's eyeliner, and hair gel. If there's anything that I can predict tomorrow, the day will be at least interesting.

Cheers to the hour early dismissal today! The only downside to it was having a 9:00 lunch. It was the first time this year I think that I took the early bus home. I've been so busy with soccer/other after school stuff.

That reminds me, our last game's tomorrow. It's a home game, so if anyone wants to come and see us lose, you're more than welcome to. Our record for the season is 2 wins, 2 ties, and a whole lot of losses. But at least we're doing better than the varsity. Our defense is now up the creek without a paddle after Andrew got a concussion and Fab somehow lost conciousness in class and had to be carted off to a hospital. Before that, we had lost one of our fowards to a broken collar bone.

Since there are a couple people injured, I end up getting more time in the field. One would think I would be happy with this, but it's not that great. As a fullback (defense), there are all these sudden sprints that you have to do to keep up with the guy you're supposed to be blocking, which gave me a really bad cramp last game. Another thing: since I'm on the defense, I'm one of the people that get blamed for goals getting scored. It's hard not to care about who's fault it is when you're actually playing the game, rather than sitting on the bench. Oh well, I guess.

Well, I've run out of ideas right now. I hope I continue updating this thing, but I've never really kept journals for very long.